Fairfax Media is trying to save its valuable archival photos from deteriorating as the US company that holds them goes into receivership.
Fairfax Media is trying to save its valuable archival photos from deteriorating as the US company that holds them goes into receivership.
“GDP per capita in the UK is lower than it was before the crisis. That is not a success.”
Nobel prize-winner Joseph Stiglitz is the world’s foremost critic of economic and political inequality. He thinks the lessons of the global crash are being ignored, and he’s not much taken with the UK’s recovery either…
Many optimists believe that technology can transform society. Yet the truth is far more interesting, argues Tom Chatfield
Lecturing in late 1968, the American sociologist Harvey Sacks addressed one of the central failures of technocratic dreams. We have always hoped, Sacks argued, that “if only we introduced some fantastic new communication machine the world will be transformed.” Instead, though, even our best and brightest devices must be accommodated within existing practices and assumptions in a “world that has whatever organisation it already has.”
If you were gaming on a PC just after the turn of millennium, you likely fondly remember the classic game No One Lives Forever. A genre turning first-person shooter that featured a strong, reasonably dressed female hero and a setting inspired by 1960’s spy films was received incredibly well by both critics and fans. And, because retro PC gaming continues to have a strong following, any of you that know what we’re talking about here are probably thinking you’d like to fire up a copy of No One Lives Forever on your updated machine and give it another go. Well, you can’t. You should be able to, but you can’t. And you have a complicated web of copyright and trademark rights-holders to thank for it.
The trademark is easy, if they weren’t using it it could be cancelled, or if a new company applies for it, they have no case for opposing it. Which is why the new application was granted. Unfortunately copyright doesn’t work the same way…
Daniel Brown’s article on crowdfunding 3D printers and business suicide.